Monday, September 5, 2016

To The Man Who Promised So Much And Delivered So Little

I'll never be able to reconcile the person I thought you were with the person you turned out to be.  You came to me right when I needed you the most, then turned your back on me when I needed you the worst.  You magically stitched together the huge gaping wound in my heart, only to tear open a huge gaping wound in my soul.  You completely transformed my life, only to permanently depart from it.  You showed me everything I ever wanted, then made it everything I could never have.  You taught me that I could love again, then denied me the person I wanted to share that love with.

I was completely broken when I met you.  You made me feel whole again.  You filled in all the missing pieces to myself.  As imperfect as you were, your imperfections fit perfectly with mine.  You made me feel part of something amazing.  You made me feel like I was finally part of something real.

Except it wasn't.

None of what you purported yourself to be was real.  Your magical healing power that stitched together all my broken pieces was merely a temporary fix--a band-aid, not a cure--and when you took it away, it all fell apart again.  I was forced to face how ill-prepared I was to stand on my own.  I was forced to fix me.

In a weird way, I have you to thank.  You denying me your love helped me discover how surrounded by love I truly am.  Your failures made me see how much I've succeeded in spite of losing you.

Because you are a lie.

I see now that the person I grieved for never really existed.  (When that's the case, can it even be considered a loss?)  Because of your falsities, I've learned what the truth is.  I've learned that the persona you portray is as weak and as fallible as I was when I met you.

You built me up like a house on the sand, and then you laid bare my foundation.  Because of your destruction, I was forced to sift through the rubble for all the pieces I'd been missing, until I emerged--rebuilt and reborn.  Because of you, I have achieved completion.  Because of you, I lost everything.  And found myself.